Physical and Regenerative Medicine

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Heal and Repair Your Damaged Muscles or Joints

We offer physical and regenerative medicine services

If you’re dealing with muscle spasms, strains or repetitive-use injuries like golfer’s elbow, speak to our doctors at Taylor Health. Our staff in Scottsdale, AZ is equipped to provide targeted physical and regenerative treatments to our clients. From myofascial therapy to cryotherapy, we’ll help your body heal and repair without the use of oral medications or surgery.

To learn more about the benefits of our physical and regenerative medicine practices, call 480-757-7770.

Experience a holistic alternative to treating your pain when you reach out to us. Our physical medicine therapy options include:

The different therapy types we offer

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Joint mobilization, adjusting and myofascial therapy

Instrument-assisted adjusting

Spinal flexion distraction

You can also request our different modalities, such as TENS, cryotherapy and thermotherapy.

Make an appointment with Taylor Health today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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